Our Free Embroidery Designs and $2.99 Designs are a great way to practice with your Embroidery Machine while you check our stitch quality. From ‘In the hoop’, Applique to Filled Stitch designs… try them all! and be sure to share this page with your friends, they will thank you!…
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4x4 hoopFilled Stitch EmbroideryAppliqueIn The Hoop5x7 hoopSteve Gray IllustrationsAll DesignsFree DesignsCD Cases BlowoutIron On PatchesEmbroidery BlanksDigital Sewing Patterns
2.99 Time for a Beer App
2.99 Truck full of Carrots
2.99 Witch Design
Berry Cute Design
Big Egg Bunny
Bunny Candy
Bunny Egg App
Bunny Tail Applique
Cappuccino App
Cupcake App
Cute Owl App
Duck Bunny App
Easter Embroidery Design
Enjoy Summer App
Frog Valentines Applique
Funny Reindeer App
Happy Reindeer App
Kisses For Sale
Love Bouquet
Mouse Ice Cream App
Music Dog
My 2 Carrots App
Owl Applique
Pumpkin Patch App
Sand Castle App
Smiley Pumpkin App
Spooky Ghost
Summer Owl App
Sweet Elephant App
Swinging on A Star App
What's New?
Easter Garden Threads Toppers Applique
Hoppy Scalloped Toppers Applique
Bunnies and Blooms Toppers Applique
Heartfelt Alphabet Applique
Sew in Love Contour Collection
Ruffle Hearts Quilt Toppers App
Sealed with a Kiss Toppers Set
Connected Hearts Quilt Toppers Set
Xoxo Toppers Applique
Rope Candy Hearts Contour